Thursday, January 27, 2011

Warburg Realty Year End 2010 Market Report

Here's a great overview of the market last year-clear,concise,to the point.If you have any questions or curiosities - reach out for a conversation or consultation anytime. --------- By Frederick Peters,President The New York real estate market was a study in contrasts during the fourth quarter

Posted via email from Nicole Beauchamp , Your NYC Real Estate Resource

Free photo exhibition at FIAF ! : Paris/New York : Crisscross Views

Two of my favorite cities in the world-of course,I'm a native New Yorker,and a tad bit biased-but this was a superb exhibition,I went in December after reading a WSJ article about it-and this mornign saw it in the AM New York and saw that it is ending on Saturday ! See New York and Paris through

Posted via email from Nicole Beauchamp , Your NYC Real Estate Resource